Thursday, April 11, 2013

Convention Guidelines and Etiquette

So in my last post I informed you guys about conventions you can attend that may be near you. You are probably now considering attending one of these conventions. Now, I am aware that a lot of you are new to the whole idea of conventions and that is why I decided to make this post to address proper convention etiquette and guidelines. Hopefully this list will prevent you from making any "newbie" mistakes and help you feel more comfortable in the convention area.

Cosplay Guidelines:

  • Plan attending a convention at least a month ahead of time. Depending on the convention it may be very difficult or very easy to get a badge/pass. Some conventions may sell badges at the door but the lines for these are usually long. So you must take into account the popularity of the convention and when they start selling badges. You also have to make sure you are able to attend the days that the convention is held.

  • Decide wether you will be staying at a nearby hotel or if you will be commuting from home.If the convention is a distance away from your residence it is best to get an hotel. Hotels for conventions can be somewhat expensive. However, you can lower the cost by getting a room with some friends and splitting the cost between each other. Your convention experience will be greatly determined on wether you will be commuting or not. I personally prefer getting an hotel because the convention becomes easily accessible and I feel like I meet more people through waiting for the elevator than through taking the bus to the convention area.

  • Set aside money to use at convention and create a budget.There will be people selling things during conventions so you should make sure to have money in case something catches your eye. However, don't carry all your money with you. Split up the money that you set aside for convention use into the number of days you will be attending. Only take however much you plan to spend for that day. This will prevent you from blowing away all your money on the first day and it will also help you if you loose your money because you won't be loosing all the money you have saved up. It would also benefit you to browse around on the first day, a lot of the stuff you see will probably be there on the second day and it will give you a chance to compare prices.

  • Look up the schedule of events, create a schedule for yourself.There are many events that will go on during a convention. Look online at the convention's website for a full schedule of these events. Make sure that you have time to get to the events that you are considering to attend. If helpful, print out a copy of the schedule for yourself to carry around so you do not forget.

  • You don't NEED to be in cosplay to go to a convention.If you don't have a cosplay, don't stress about it. Cosplay is not a requirement. However, if you do have one then you can go ahead and wear it if you want.

  • Wear comfy clothing. If you aren't going in cosplay it is important that you dress comfortably. You are going to be walking around a lot at a convention so have comfy shoes. Also, don't wear thick layers. Most convention are indoors and very crowded and you will feel warm. If you are in cosplay it is also important that you are comfortable. When making your cosplay take into consideration the amount of time you plan to wear it and that you will be walking a lot.

  • HAVE WATER.It is easy to forget to drink water with all the excitement of a convention but this is very important. Many con-goers(con attendees) end up with severe dehydration and this ends up ruining their weekend. Make sure that you are not one of them. Carry around a water bottle and keep reminding yourself to drink it.

  • Bring a bag or a purse.Having a bag or purse is very useful because it can double as a place to carry all the stuff you buy(a.k.a swag) and snacks. Most sellers won't give you a bag so a purse can't prevent you from losing those items and will keep your hands free. Snacks are also good to carry in your bag because sometimes convention food can be overpriced and it can settle your hunger.

  • Bring a camera.There are many great photo opportunities at conventions, you don't want to miss out on them.

  • Bring a lanyard or something to secure your badge.Not all conventions will provide you with a lanyard to carry your badge with so bring your own just in case. Make sure that it is strong enough so that your badge will not fall. Also put your badge on a secure place so that it does not fall. Many people tend to drop their badges and though there are some kind people who will return them, others may take them and use them for themselves.

  • Bring a small sewing kit or hot glue gun. (COSPLAY ONLY)
    Bring these just to be safe. You never know when a thread will tear so have these for a quick fix up. The hot glue gun is for if you have any props. Props may break and a hot glue gun can provide a quick fix so that you can still use it.

Convention Etiquette

  • ASK before taking pictures.
    It may be exciting to see someone dressed up as your favorite superhero but before you snap a pic, make sure that they are ok with it. It may be intimidating at first but cosplayers get asked this all the time and they will prefer it if you ask before taking a picture. Some people may not be ok with getting their picture taken, so if that's the case just say ok and maybe compliment them on their costume.
  • Walk, don't run.
    The convention area may be crowded so don't run, no matter how much of a rush you are in, because you may hurt yourself or someone by running.
  • Don't cut.
    Some events at conventions will have lines so respect these lines and don't cut. Many people put a lot of effort into coming in early and getting their spot in line, they will not appreciate it if you cut and may call you out on it. If you want to prevent any confrontation it is best that you just don't cut.
  • Don't hug or touch people without their consent.
    You may want to hug the furry Tigger walking around or touch the hair of a Merida that's waiting in line at the cafe but don't. Ask them first! This may sound like common sense but a lot of people forget to do this at conventions and just go ahead and touch people. Sometimes cosplayers won't say anything about people randomly touching them but all of them truly DO NOT enjoy it. You must remember that they are just people and even though they are in costume and posing for pictures, it does not mean that you have the right to invade their personal space. If you really want to hug someone, ask them first. If you want to put your arm around someone while posing for a picture, ask them if it's ok. Some cosplays are fragile and can easily be damaged so cosplayers may not want you touching them. If they say no to you touching them you must respect that wish. COSPLAY IS NOT CONSENT.
  • Keep negative or offensive comments to yourself.
    There may be some cosplays that don't look as good as others. Do not pick on these people just because you don't like their cosplay. Everyone is free to cosplay whoever they want, however they want so don't bring them down just because you don't agree with their cosplay. The same thing goes when talking with people and they say something that you don't agree with, such as "The Lord of The Rings Trilogy is better than Star Wars." It is ok to have a nice rational argument but putting them down by saying their stupid or that they don't know anything is not good convention behavior. Also, don't use foul language. There are children at conventions and it is a family area so foul language and behavior is not tolerated. Even comments like telling a cosplayer that they have a nice butt can be offensive. Think before you speak.
  • Return lost items to the information desk.
    If you spot a fallen badge or wallet, do not take it. Give it to the information desk so that they can find the owner. This is common courtesy and I'm pretty sure that it is something you would want someone to do if you lost an item.
  • Respect products that are for sale.
    Be gentle when looking at things in the Dealer's hall (sales area). Some things may be collectible and would lose their worth with carelessness. Other things may just be fragile. It's better to just look with your eyes than to pick up with your hands.
  • Have fun!
    Conventions are more enjoyable for you and your friends if you are in a good mood and keep a positive attitude.

Is there any rules you think I should add?

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